Mr. A. Manoj Kumar of III Year IT has won Cash Award of Rs. 30,000 – I Prize in ROBOTICS Competition held at NIT Warangal.
176 students of IV, III B. Tech CSE, IT, ECE and EEE are certified in MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate) Exam conducted by MICROSOFT, held on 26th and 27th July 2013.
Miss. Y. Prathyusha III B.Tech CSE won Outstanding Performance Intellect Certificate and Gold Medal awarded by Sri. Yandamuri Veerandranath on 07 Aug 2013 in a seminar held at JBR Engg. COLLEGE, HYDERABAD
MR. G. Santosh Kumar of Civil Branch has won I prize in Sketching Competition at IIT Madras conducted by GOOGLE.
Ms.Hiranmai & Ms.Kiranmai of Second Year IT Department achieved 2nd PRIZE in “National Level Project Competition” at Geetangali Inst of Engg & Tech, Hyderabad for their project “Implementation SUDOKU in C” on 19-09-2009.
Mr.Naveen of Third Year IT Department achieved 2nd PRIZE in “National Level C Programming Contest” at Vishweshvaraya Inst of Engg & Tech, Hyderabad on 18-09-2009.
Mr.Naveen & Mr.Raja Ramesh of Third Year IT Department presented paper in the “National Level Symposium” at Vishweshvaraya Inst of Engg & Tech,Hyderabad on 18-09-2009.
Mr.Naveen of Third Year IT Department participated in the “National Level Project Competition” at Geetangali Inst of Engg & Tech, Hyderabad on 19-09-2009