Academic Programs for B.Tech (A.Y 2024-2025)

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ACE Engineering College Approvals





B.Tech Registrations & Admissions

Please fill the form (B.Tech Admission 2024-2025) to initiate the process.

A Candidate for admission to the four year B.Tech Degree  course in Engineering must have passed the  Intermediate examination (conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Govt of Telangana) with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional subjects, or any examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education as equivalent thereto.  The admission to the B.Tech Course under “Category A” are filled by the Convener of EAMCET (Admission) based on the Rank obtained in Common Entrance Test & Guidelines issued by the Govt of Telangana.

A Candidate for Getting Admission into the 4 Year B.Tech Degree course in Engineering must have passed the Intermediate examination (conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Govt of Telangana) with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional subjects, or any examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education as equivalent thereto. The admission to the B.Tech Course under “Category B” are filled by the Management based on the Rank obtained in Common Entrance Test (i.e. EAMCET/JEE) & guidelines issued by the Govt of Telangana.