The yardstick of a purposeful education is honesty maintained in the learning environment since this only can ensure overall development of the student. An effective and in place proctoring system that ensures the student is continuously monitored and directed to overcome the hurdles that impede the objective learning process is the means towards this end. Proctoring system at ACE is implemented to find a satisfactory answer to the challenge of how best to assess students’ progress. In the pursuit of molding the students for excellence in academics as well as other career enhancing interests, subtle degree of enforcing discipline is well blended with emotional bonding between the student and teacher or supervisor from orientation till farewell.
Hierarchy of Proctoring System

Every student entering the college is associated with a faculty member in the department to which the student belongs. The faculty factions as the supervisor for the student and oversees the progress of the student. The supervisor is the first point of contact and source for any disturbing factor including issues that have the potential of hindering the development of the student. The faculty is responsible for facilitating the student to overcome any shortcomings. For all practical purposes, the faculty is the steward and manager of the student and disciplinarian also. At the same time, the supervisor also ‘speaks and acts’ for the student and acts as an unbiased third-party who will verify and oversee the conduct, behaviour and performance of the student The organizational structure of proctoring activity can be understood with the following figure
How Proctoring Works
- Upon admission, every student is required to fill a proctorial form
- The departmental committee and proctorial board allots a faculty to the student
- The student is required to meet the proctor once in a month in a trgular and routine practice. This meeting shall be initiated by the faculty supervisor.
- The student is expected to share the comforts, conveniences, difficulties with the supervisor. Towards this end, the supervisor should create a conducive environment that encourages the student to openly discuss both academic as well as personal issues like the impact of the socio-economic background on the learning process
- The supervisor provide a proper, simple and working solution either on his/her own or in collaboration with other colleagues.
- Gist of each and every such meeting will be recorded in the proctorial form, signed by both faculty and student
- Before discussing about the new issues, review of previous issues discussed are reviewed
- Critical issues will be brought to the notice of the proctorial board and if necessary, a meeting be convened to resolve the issue at the earliest possible time
- Proctor will encourage the student to set targets and work towards them