The Department

The field of artificial intelligence encompasses the study and advancement of computer systems that possess the capability to replicate human-like cognitive abilities such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, translation, and interpretation.

The application of machine learning is a systematic approach to analyzing data that enables the automated construction of analytical models. The global adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) continues to expand as organizations recognize its value in facilitating business transformation. In their pursuit of agility, resilience, innovation, and scalability within their business transformation efforts, organizations around the world are increasingly incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) methodologies.
In light of the aforementioned context, ACE Engineering College presents a comprehensive and robust four-year undergraduate program in B.Tech CSE (AI & ML) with a current intake of 180 students. This program aims to establish a strong educational foundation by incorporating fundamental principles and cutting-edge technologies associated with various domains of Artificial Intelligence. By immersing students in these principles and cutting-edge technologies, we prepare them for an advanced understanding of this field.

Through the comprehensive curriculum offered, students will develop the proficiency to create sophisticated solutions for a diverse array of intricate challenges across various industries and contexts. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to explore newly emerging areas such as neural networks, natural language processing, robotics, deep learning, computer vision, logical reasoning methods, alongside innovative problem-solving techniques. This multifaceted approach equips students with in- depth knowledge and understanding of complex challenges in today’s ever-evolving technological landscape.

This program is designed for students aiming to acquire in-depth knowledge and proficiency in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and other emerging technologies. By developing expertise in these fields that demonstrate significant potential, individuals can differentiate themselves and enhance their professional trajectory within the dynamic technological landscape.

Short term Goals:

  • To establish state-of-the-art GPU cluster facilities in the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
  • To encourage faculty to publish research papers in reputed international journals indexed by Scopus, Web of Science, and UGC.
  • To introduce best practices to enhance the teaching-learning process.
  • To organize international conferences and workshops in association with Springer, ACM, and IEEE journals.

Long Term Goals:

  • To achieve self-sufficiency through R&D and consultancy by securing funded projects from UGC, DST, AICTE, and MHRD.
  • To gain recognition and achieve teaching excellence in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
  • To develop research activities and organize Ph.D. programs in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


To be an epicentre of excellence in education by offering cutting-edge technologies, research, and product-based opportunities to students, enabling them to succeed in global professional competitions with a foundation of core knowledge, entrepreneurial skills, ethical values, and social responsibility.


Imparting quality technical education to young computer engineers by providing them:

M1: Impart quality technical education with state-of-the-art laboratories, analytical and core technical skills of international standards, delivered by qualified and experienced faculty.

M2: Prepare students for global professional competitions, examinations for higher studies, and employment in product-based companies.

M3: Develop professional attitudes, research aptitude, critical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and technical consultancy capabilities by providing training in cutting-edge technologies.

M4: Promote and nurture knowledge, lifelong learning, entrepreneurial practices, ethical values, and social responsibility.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO 1: To prepare students for successful careers in CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) by providing training to excel in competitive examinations, pursue higher education, and secure employment.

PEO 2: To provide students with a broad-based curriculum, firmly grounded in Computer Science and Engineering, Applied Mathematics, and Sciences. To impart high-quality technical skills for designing, modelling, analysing, and solving critical problems with global competence.

PEO 3: To inculcate professional, social, and ethical values, along with effective communication skills and entrepreneurial practices, for the holistic growth of students.

PEO 4: To create an academic environment for Computer Science and Engineering students that fosters involvement in professional bodies, encourages a multidisciplinary approach, and promotes lifelong learning.

PEO 5: To develop research aptitude among students, enabling them to carry out research in cutting-edge technologies, solve real-world problems, and provide technical consultancy services.

Knowledge and Attitude Profile (WK)

WK1: A systematic, theory-based understanding of the natural sciences applicable to the discipline and awareness of relevant social sciences.

WK2: Conceptually-based mathematics, numerical analysis, data analysis, statistics and formal aspects of computer and information science to support detailed analysis and modelling applicable to the discipline.

WK3: A systematic, theory-based formulation of engineering fundamentals required in the engineering discipline.

WK4: Engineering specialist knowledge that provides theoretical frameworks and bodies of knowledge for the accepted practice areas in the engineering discipline; much is at the forefront of the discipline.

WK5: Knowledge, including efficient resource use, environmental impacts, whole-life cost, reuse of resources, net zero carbon, and similar concepts, that supports engineering design and operations in a practice area. WK6: Knowledge of engineering practice (technology) in the practice areas in the engineering discipline.

WK7: Knowledge of the role of engineering in society and identified issues in engineering practice in the discipline, such as the professional responsibility of an engineer to public safety and sustainable development.

WK8: Engagement with selected knowledge in the current research literature of the discipline, awareness of the power of critical thinking and creative approaches to evaluate emerging issues.

WK9: Ethics, inclusive behavior and conduct. Knowledge of professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of engineering practice. Awareness of the need for diversity by reason of ethnicity, gender, age, physical ability etc. with mutual understanding and respect, and of inclusive attitudes.

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, computing, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization as specified in WK1 to WK4 respectively to develop to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions with consideration for sustainable development. (WK1 to WK4)

PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design creative solutions for complex engineering problems and design/develop systems/components/processes to meet identified needs with consideration for the public health and safety, whole-life cost, net zero carbon, culture, society and environment as required. (WK5)

PO4: Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Conduct investigations of complex engineering problems using research-based knowledge including design of experiments, modelling, analysis & interpretation of data to provide valid conclusions. (WK8)

PO5: Engineering Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering & IT tools, including prediction and modelling recognizing their limitations to solve complex engineering problems. (WK2 and WK6)

PO6: The Engineer and The World: Analyze and evaluate societal and environmental aspects while solving complex engineering problems for its impact on sustainability with reference to economy, health, safety, legal framework, culture and environment. (WK1, WK5, and WK7)

PO7: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, human values, diversity and inclusion; adhere to national & international laws. (WK9)

PO8: Individual and Collaborative Team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse/multi-disciplinary teams.

PO9: Communication: Communicate effectively and inclusively within the engineering community and society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations considering cultural, language, and learning differences

PO10: Project Management and Finance: Apply knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, and to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO11: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability for i) independent and life-long learning ii) adaptability to new and emerging technologies and iii) critical thinking in the broadest context of technological change. (WK8)


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSO1: To prepare students for industry readiness by providing the necessary training in cutting-edge technologies.

PSO2: An ability to use core concepts of computing and optimization techniques to develop more efficient and effective computing mechanisms.

Objectives of Artificial Intelligence Lab:

From the day of Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen, who first invented neuro computing, a lot of research is on in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The demand for engineers and scientists with knowledge in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is high. Machine Learning Engineer, Robotic Scientist, Data Scientist, Research Scientist, Business Intelligence Developer are certain job roles for students who excel in this field.

ACE Engineering College is in the forefront to start a Center of Excellence (AI& ML Lab). The lab is being established in the month of November, 2019 with inputs from Academia, eminent personalities in Industry, experienced experts of the field to give required confidence for the students who are undergoing this course and make them able to cater to the needs of the market.

The laboratory activities aim towards:

  • Analyzing emerging avenues for research in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data analytics.
  • Integrating and making logical connections with data from a variety of sources.
  • Developing and executing distributed systems to facilitate information analysis, teamwork, and the decision-making process.
  • Using data-intensive agent-based tools to impart valuable education and equip students and faculty with practical skills.
  • Facilitating the establishment of collaborations with industry in relation to internships, summer employment opportunities, publications, and student placements.
  • Developing, enhancing, and executing strategies to disseminate the idea among students and faculty members.
  • Developing viable

Title of the Conference Paper Publication

  1. Mrs.Sri Sudha has published Enhancing Sign Language Recognition for Hearing-Impaired Individuals Using Deep Learning ”, October 2024,  2024 International Conference on Data Science and Network Security (ICDSNS), Publisher: IEEE
  2. Mrs.Sri Sudha has published Unleashing The Power of Object Detection: A Deeper Look at Faster R-CNN and Streamlit Dashboard “ , NOVYI MIR Research Journal ,ISSNNO:0130-7673,PageNo:245249,Vol.9No.23s(2024), DOI:16.10098.NMRJ.2024.V9I8.256342.38003,(UGC,WebofScience,Google Scholar).
  3. Mrs.Sri Sudha has published Multimodal Content Analysis And Classification Approach (MCACA)“ , Journal of Electrical Systems (JES) ,ISSN: 1112-5209,pageno:3821-3827,Vol.20No.10s(2024),DOI:,(Scopus ).
  4. "Combining Particle Swarm Optimizatin with Bacterial Foraging Optimization for Color Image WaterMmarking" Dr.kavitha Soppari,Dr.N.Subhash Chandra, Mrs.Swetha Sailaja Kuppa, Mr.MahendarJinukala, ICSCSP2024
  5. Forecasting Model based on Ensembled Technique for Optimized Utilization of Resources on Multiple Datasets Md. Aamir Sohail, Devadi Ganesh, Srisudha Garugu, Scopus journal in AIP conference proceedings Submitted , yet to be  published, july 2024
  6. Mrs.kamakshi thai & Mrs.Satya sudha Published a Textbook on “Mastering the Cloud Strategies and Solutions for Cloud Computing Success” with ISBN: 978-81-967142-7-7 on 22/10/2024.
  7. Mrs.kamakshi thai Published a Paper on “Anomaly Detection And Trust Authority In Artificial Intelligence” in AICTE Sponsored National Conference on Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (NCEAAI - 2022)25th and 26th  February 2022
  8. Mr.C.V.Ajay Kumar has published a national conference paper on Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Housing Prices at Annamalai University,tamilnadu on revolutionizing Computer engineering: Trends & technologies(RCETT24).

Title of the Patent

  1. Mrs S. Satya Sudha, G. Monika published a patent on "Deep learning based identification of fraudelent claims in health insurance schemes"
  2. Mrs . Srisudha Garugu, Dr. Kavitha Soppari, Mrs. Panchagnula Kamakshi Thai, Mr.Shashank Tiwari, Mr.Somagani Venkatesh, Mr.Konka Kishan published a patent on " Automatic generation of segmented labels for road anomaly detection: A robotic approach"
  3. Dr Kavitha Soppari, Mrs. Panchagnula Kamakshi Thai, Mrs.J.Bhargavi, Mr.Somagani Venkatesh, Mrs. Swetha sailaja kuppa, Mrs. B. Suvidha, Mrs.G.Monika published a patent on DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED WHALE OPTIMIZATION-BASED FCM CLUSTERING FOR IMAGE WATERMARKING
  4. Mrs.kamashi thai has published Patent Application Publication on “Development of Improved Whale Optimization-Based Fcm Clustering for Image Watermarking” published successfully on 25/10/2024” 
  5. Mrs.kamashi thai has published Patent Application Publication on “Automatic Generation of Segmented Labels for Road Anomaly Detection: A Robotic Application” published successfully on 09/08/2024.
  6. Mrs.kamashi thai has published Published a paper entitled “DTMF BASED HOME AUTOMATION” which is presented in“NCASCTE-2022” Conference Organized by Department of Electrical& Electronics Engineering, ACE Engineering College.
  7. Mr.C.V.Ajay Kumar has published-A Survey on automated student evaluation and analysis using machine learning published in World Journal of Advanced Research and Reveiws ,2024,21(02),2547-2554.
  8. Mr.C.V.Ajay Kumar has published Machine Learning – Based Prediction of House Prices published in National Level Conference on Revolutionizing Computer Engineering: Trends and Technologies (RCETT24) : ISBN NO: 978-93-340-1651-2. 
  9. Mr.C.V.Ajay Kumar has published Detection & Eradication of weeds in farming lands using comprehensive machine learning techniques published in industrial engineering journal: ISSN 0970-2555, volume:52, Issue 4, April: 2023, UGC care approved, Group I, peer reviewed journal with IF=6.82. 
  10. Mr.C.V.Ajay Kumar has published Medical Image Data Classification through kernel density estimation, ISSN NO: 2347-3150.
  11. Mr.C.V.Ajay Kumar has published Work flow scheduling prioritization large scale regression test cases,ISSN NO : 2347-3150, MUKT SHABD JOURNAL.

Professional Certifications

  1. Dr Soppari Kavitha received sWAYAM- NPTEL domain certification in Programming (Computer Science), Apr 2024
  2. Dr Soppari Kavitha received NPTEL Elite certificate on Data Science for Engineers, Mar 2024
  3. Mrs P.Kamakshi Thai received NPTEL Elite certificate on Introduction to Machine Learning, Sep 2024
  4. Mrs P.Kamakshi Thai received NPTEL Elite certificate on The Joy of computing using python, oct 2023
  5. Dr Soppari Kavitha has been awarded as Wipro certified Faculty in Java full stack,JUly 2024
  6. MP Nisha, K. Swetha Sailaja, Krishnanand S H have been awarded as Wipro certified Faculty in .NET full stack,July 2024
  7. Nptel elite Srisudha mam  python for data science,  aug 2024
  8. Mrs P.Kamakshi Thai received Certificate with Grade Elite from NPTEL in “Problem Solving Through Programming in C”
  9. Mrs P.Kamakshi Thai received Certificate with Grade Elite from NPTEL in “Introduction to Internet of Things”
  10. Mrs P.Kamakshi Thai received have Certificate with Grade Elite from NPTEL in “Cloud Computing”
  11. Mrs P.Kamakshi Thai received Certificate with Grade Elite from NPTEL in “The Joy of Computing using Python”
  12. Mrs P.Kamakshi Thai received Certificate with Grade Elite from NPTEL in “Introduction to Machine Learning”
  13. Mrs P.Kamakshi Thai received Certificate with Grade Elite+Silver from NPTEL in “Programming in Java”
  14. Mr.C.V.Ajay Kumar has received certificate NPTEL - Introduction to Internet of Things (IIT Kharaghpur)
  15. C.V.Ajay Kumar has received certificate NPTEL - The Joy of Computing using Python (IIT Madras)
  16. Mr.C.V.Ajay Kumar has received certificate on Digital Marketing Course offered by Digital
  17. Mr.T.Pradeep has received certificate on Ethical hacking on 28th SEP 2024
  18. Mr.T.Pradeep has received certificate on Tools & coding analysis.
  19. Mr.T.Pradeep has received certificate on wired & wireless networks


  1. Mr.Shashank Tiwari Assistant Professor,Pooja Singroha Assistant Professor, Kamakshi Thai Panchagnula Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE(AIML) attended two days conference on AI DAYS 2024 held at JNTU on 30/03/2024 -31/03/2024 conducted by SWETCHA.
  2. Mr.T.Pradeep has attended a FDP on NEP 2020-orientation & sensitization programme certification.

Student Achievement

NASA International Space Apps Challenge

The NASA International Space Apps Challenge is a hackathon for coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, technologists, and innovators around the world to come together and use open data from NASA and its Space Agency Partners to create solutions to challenges we face on Earth and in space. NASA Space Apps provides a platform for problem solvers worldwide to use free and open data from NASA and its Space Agency Partners. NASA Space Apps Challenge teams use these resources to solve challenges written by NASA experts, featuring topics ranging from storytelling to software development, astrophysics, space exploration, and more. The problem statement that we have selected was "Chronicles of Exoplanet Exploration" where we built a website that helps you explore and learn about all the planets that are present in planetary system but are not known to many of us.

Our student’s from final year S. Amrutha Lahari- 21AG1A66B4 (CSM B), A. Harshini-21AG1A6602 (CSM A) then built a VR video that gives an experience of traveling in the planetary system while learning about all the the Exoplanets. This hackathon lasted for 36hrs where they have built a website and a VR video. There were 3 evaluation rounds happened in this hackathon and at the end of the hackathon top 14 teams were selected. Our students were one among them and the national winners and are nominated for internationals. They received gold medals for winning at national level.

Achievements of Center of AI & ML:

  • The center has initiated with 5 NVIDIA 1060 GPUs with 60 Clients to cater the needs AI aspirants and stakeholders of Institute.
  • Right form the Inception Center has guided around 62 students in IV B.Tech and 35 in III B.Tech CSE & ECE students.
  • Center is collaborating with Leading an AICTE approved consortium in association with Bennett University in completion of a project titled” Windows malware Detection” using CNN techniques.
  • Four students Secured Internship in Applied AI Corporation Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad and two of them absorbed by Applied AI.
  • 12 students have taken Machine Learning, a NPTEL course as a part of MOOCs supported by JNTUH in Lieu of the university open elective. All Successfully cleared with an average of 85%.



Name of the Programme


Approved Intake (2024) 180
No. of Faculty Members 35



Professor 2
Assoc. Professor 5
Asst. Professor 28
Faculty Profile


No. of Faculty

Ph.D 02
Ph.D (Pursuing) 13
M.Tech/M.E 20
Technical Staff Programmers 03
Name Dr. S. Kavitha
Designation HoD & Professor
Qualification M.Tech, Ph.D
Professional Exp. 23 Years
Research Interests Information Security, Image Processing, Computer Networks,  , Information Retrieval systems, AI
Registration Number 7083-160307-104318
Name Dr. T. Srinivasa Rao
Designation Professor & Director – Training and Placement Cell
Qualification BSC., M.TECH [CSE]., Ph.D[CSE]
Professional Exp. 23 Years
Research Interest Image Processing
Registration Number 9456-201222-150724
Name   Mr. M Mahender
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 14 Years
Research Interests Data Mining
Registration Number 8075-150421-103605
Name   Mr. M Ramesh
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 12 Years
Research Interests Wireless Sensor Networks
Registration Number 2955-150409-130058
Name Mr. Manikyam Sandeep
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification M.E. (Ph.D)
Experience 16 Years
Research Interests Manufacturing Engineering with Machine Learning
Registration Number 4448-150413-144017
Name   Mrs. Srisudha Garugu
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 14 Years
Research Interests Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IOT
Registration Number 2644-240201-122249
Name   Mrs. K.Swetha Sailaja
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 11 Years
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining
Registration Number 60150405-094024
Name   Mrs. Jangam Bhargavi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 10 Year
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Computer Networks
Registration Number 31150404-142253
Name   Mr. Muhammad Abul Kalam
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 10 years
Research Interests Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining and Information Security
Registration Number 52150403-110424
Name Mrs. P. Kamakshi Thai
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 08 Years
Research Interests
Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence
Registration ID 5434-160310-131641
Name   Mr. Somagani Venkatesh
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech (CSE)
Professional Exp. 7 Years
Research Interests Research Interests- Machine Learning
Registration Number 2316-150428-040056
Name   Mrs. S. Satya Sudha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 06 Years
Research Interests Data Science, Machine Learning
Registration Number 5006-170131-204259
Name   Mrs. M.P. Nisha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech (CS&E)
Professional Exp. 6 Years
Research Interests Machine Learning
Registration ID 1986-210917-170459
Name   Mr. Tadela Pradeep
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 1 Year
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Registration Number 7970-240209-130649
Name   Mr. Kunka Kishan
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech(CSE), (PhD)
Professional Exp. 5 years
Research Interests Image Processing
Registration Number 8285170914-130114
Name   Mr. Ragi Rajesh
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech(CSE), (PhD)
Professional Exp. 5 years
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence
Registration Number 2684-170914-095336
Name   Mr. Shashank Tiwari
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Experiance 5 Years
Research Interests Machine Learning
Registration Number 4617-161115-124220
Name   Mr. Balasani Avinash
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Tech[CSE]., M.Tech [CSE]
Professional Exp. 05 Years
Research Interests Machine Learning
Registration Number 9794-220418-160447
Name   Mr. Chitoor Venkat Rao Ajay Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 4 Years
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence & security
Registration Number 0191-170112-094836
Name   Mr. Krishnanand S H
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Tech, M.Tech, (Ph.D), KSET
Experiance Teaching Industry
3 Years 5 Years
Research Interests Computer Vision, Gen AI, Big Data
Registration Number 7693-210702-104929
Name   Mrs. Gyara Monika
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 2 Years
Research Interests Cyber Security, Machine Learning
Registration Number 5814-171227-123515
Name   Ms. Batchu Suvidha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 1 Year
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Registration Number 4073-240216-171941
Name   Mrs. G.Vaishnavi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Tech (CSE). M.Tech(CSE)
Professional Exp. 1 Year
Research Interests AI and ML
Registration Number 8822-240209- 122746
Name   Mr. Sumit Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech (CSE)
Professional Exp. 9 Years
Research Interests AI, machine learning, Data science.
Registration Number 4499-221214-182745
Name   Ms. Shruti Kalbhor
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Tech (CSE), M.Tech (CSE) & MBA (HR Management and Finance)
Professional Exp. 4 Years Industry Experience
Research Interests Data Science, Machine Learning
Registration Number 8333-240118-105656
Name   Mrs. Ananthoji Veena Sri
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 1 Year
Research Interests Machine learning
Registration Number 8271-220509-151745
Name   Mrs. B.Manasawini
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 3 Years
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Registration Number 6124-160212-103844 (Others)
Name   Mr. Vamsi Krishna Cheedepudi
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification M.Tech, MCA
Professional Exp. 11 Years
Research Interests Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Registration Number 4722-240216-131938
Name   Mr. Ch Srinivas Rao  
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification B.Tech[CSE]., M.Tech [CSE]
Professional Exp. 16 Years
Research Interests Computer Networks
Registration Number 34150407-114655
Name   Mrs. Yerpula Vanitha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 5 Years (System Analyst)
1 Year (Assistant Professor)
Research Interests Database Management System, Cyber Security
Registration Number 0083-220706-152425
Name   Mr. Durgunala Ranjith
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Tech(IT), M.Tech(CSE), (PhD)
Professional Exp. 9 Years
Research Interests Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Registration Number 5484-161222-145803
Name   Mrs. Kalluri Jaya Sri Sai
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Tech(IT), M.Tech(CSE)
Professional Exp. Industry Experience(5 Years)
Research Interests Cyber Security
Registration Number 0348-240906-163710
Name   Mr. Harsh Chandra
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification MS (IT) – IIT Hyderabad
Professional Exp. 1 Year
Research Interests Cyber Security
Registration Number


Name   Mr. K.Shiva Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech
Professional Exp. 4 Years
Research Interests Cyber security, machine learning
Registration Number 53150402-154434
Name   Mr. Tadepalli NagaSrinu
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech (Structural Engineering)
PG Diploma in AI&ML (JNTUH)
Professional Exp. 6 Years 4 Months
Research Interests Structural Health Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence
Registration Number 9642-180820-111353
Name   Mrs. M.Rajitha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Tech.
Professional Exp. 4 Years
Research Interests
Registration Number 7060-160223-153238

Objectives of Artificial Intelligence Lab:

  • Providing them with state-of-the-art laboratories and comprehensive analytical and core technical skills that meet international standards.
  • Ensuring that our faculty members are highly qualified and experienced in their respective fields to provide students with the best possible education.
  • Preparing students for global professional competitions and examinations for higher studies or employment opportunities in product-based companies.
  • Instilling a competitive spirit in our students so they can excel on a global scale.
  • Fostering a professional attitude among our students, including developing research aptitude, critical reasoning abilities, problem-solving skills, and the ability to provide technical consulting services using cutting-edge technologies.
  • Ensuring that our graduates possess not just theoretical knowledge but also the practical expertise required by industry professionals.
  • Emphasizing lifelong learning and encouraging entrepreneurial practices among our student community through holistic development by endorsing ethical values and emphasizing social concern.

As an institution committed to producing well-rounded individuals, we strive towards creating future leaders who can make significant contributions both professionally and personally.

Natural Language Processing Lab::

Objective: To introduce students to the concepts and techniques of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and enable them to understand and implement various NLP tasks such as text preprocessing, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and machine translation. Through practical exercises and projects, students learn to apply NLP algorithms and tools to real-world text data for tasks like information retrieval, text classification, and text generation.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • Python
  • Jupyter notebook
  • NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) library installed

Data Analytics Lab:

Objective: This lab aims to equip students with the necessary skills and tools for extracting insights from large datasets. Students learn to clean, transform, and analyze data using statistical and machine learning techniques. They also gain proficiency in data visualization to effectively communicate their findings. The objective is to prepare students for careers in data analysis, business intelligence, and data-driven decision-making.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • R Studio
  • Python
  • Jupyter notebook installed

Industrial Oriented Mini Project/Internship/Skill Development Course (DevOps):

Objective: The objective of this lab is to provide students with hands-on experience in DevOps practices, tools, and methodologies commonly used in industry settings. Students learn to streamline software development, testing, and deployment processes through continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure automation. The lab also emphasizes collaboration, version control, and agile methodologies to prepare students for roles in DevOps engineering and software development.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • GitHub
  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Selenium installed

Database Management Systems Lab:

Objective:In this lab, students learn the fundamentals of Database Management Systems (DBMS) and gain practical experience in designing, implementing, and querying databases. The objective is to enable students to understand the importance of data organization, integrity, and security, and to prepare them for roles in database administration, database development, and data analysis.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • MySQL installed

Java Programming Lab

Objective: This lab focuses on mastering the Java programming language and its application in software development. Students learn to design and develop Java applications, understand principles of inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction, and gain practical experience in GUI development using JavaFX or Swing


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed


Objective: This lab aims to introduce students to logic programming languages such as Prolog and Lisp, and their applications in artificial intelligence (AI) and symbolic computation. The lab also covers integration of Prolog with Python using the Pyswip library, enabling students to leverage logic programming in Python-based applications.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • LISP
  • Prolog compilers
  • Jupyter notebook installed

Data Structures Lab using C:

Objective: This lab focuses on strengthening students’ understanding and implementation of fundamental data structures and algorithms using the C programming language. Through programming assignments and lab exercises, students develop problem-solving skills and gain insights into algorithmic complexities, preparing them for advanced courses in algorithms and data structures.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • C compiler installed

Operating Systems Lab:

Objective: The objective of this lab is to provide students with hands-on experience in understanding the concepts and functionalities of operating systems. Through programming assignments and system-level projects, students gain practical insights into operating system design and implementation, preparing them for roles in systems programming and software development.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • C compiler installed

Node JS/React JS/Django:

Objective: This lab aims to familiarize students with modern web development frameworks and technologies such as Node.js, React.js, and Django. The lab emphasizes building scalable and maintainable web applications, leveraging JavaScript and Python ecosystems, and understanding concepts like MVC architecture, routing, middleware, and database integration.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • MySQL
  • Python
  • React.js/Node.js
  • JDK installed

Software Engineering Lab:

Objective: This lab focuses on providing students with practical experience in software engineering principles and practices. The objective is to enable students to work effectively in software development teams, understand the software development life cycle, and deliver high-quality software products.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • Star UML installed

Computer Network Lab:

Objective: The objective of this lab is to provide students with practical experience in understanding and configuring computer networks. The lab covers topics such as network topology design, IP addressing, routing, switching, network security, and network simulation using tools like Wireshark and NS2 simulator.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • C Compiler
  • Nmap
  • Wireshark
  • NS2 simulator installed

Machine Learning Lab:

Objective: This lab aims to familiarize students with machine learning algorithms and techniques for data analysis and prediction. The lab emphasizes practical applications of machine learning in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive modeling.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • Any Python (IDE) software installed

UI Design – Flutter:

Objective:This lab focuses on providing students with practical skills in designing user interfaces for mobile applications using the Flutter framework. The lab covers topics such as UI design principles, responsive design, state management, and navigation, preparing students for careers in mobile app development and user experience design.


  • 60 Computer systems with standard specifications.


  • Android Studio
  • Flutter installed



Name of the Faculty

Name of the course

Academic Year


Y. Vanitha

The joy of computing using python

July-Oct 2022


P. Kamakshi Thai

The joy of computing using python

July-Oct 2023

Cloud Computing

Jan-Apr 2023

Introduction to Internet of Things

Jul-Oct 2022

Problem solving through programming in C

Jan-Apr 2022


K.Shiva kumar

Information Security-5- Secure  Systems Engineering

Jan-mar 2023


S. Kavitha

Cloud Computing


Data Base Management System


Programming in JAVA


An introduction to programming through C++


Programming , Data structures and algorithms using python


python for data science




Introduction to Database systems




Problem solving through programming in C


Big Data computing


Faculty Contributions:

  • Dr.G.Sreenivasulu certified in Data Science for Engineers course, a NPTEL course as a part of MOOCs supported by AICTE and MHRD to guide the students in machine learning and AI related projects.
  • Dr.Ganti Krishna Sharma certified in Machine Learning a NPTEL course as a part of MOOCs supported by AICTE and MHRD to train the students
  • Mr.YounusShariff, Mr. Shashank Tiwari Certified in Joy of Computing Python a NPTEL course as a part of MOOCs supported by AICTE and MHRD to train the students in Python Programming.(Which is a backbone of AI & ML).
  • Ms.LakshmiRohita, Assistant professor of CSE attended a two week faculty Development Program on “Machine and Deep Learning” at VBIT, Hyderabad from 25th Nov to 07th Dec, 2019.
  • Majority of the faculty members across all the department working collectively in strengthening the center for AI & ML.
  • 3 faculty members ( Dr.G.Sreenivasulu , V.Maheswara Reddy and Mr.Shashank Tiwari) from CSE were certified in AI and Deep learning and also from NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute, USA.

Workshops and Faculty Development Programs:

  • Conducted One week faculty development program on “Machine and Deep Learning” organized in association with “Leading and Bennett University during Nov, 2018.
  • Conducting One week faculty development program on “Data Science” Sponsored by AICTE-New Delhi as a part of STTP.(16th to 22nd Dec, 2019).
  • Conducted one day workshop on “Artificial Intelligence” for III B.Tech CSE & ECE students, In association with TASK, Hyderabad.

II Year Course Material

III Year Course Material

Artificial Intelligence

NLP Lecture Notes CSM


DevOps notes


IV Year Course Material

Artificial Intelligence

Speech and Video Processing

S No.

Name of the Member


Position in BOS


Dr. S. Kavitha

Head of the Department



Dr. K. Shahu Chatrapati

Professor & Addl. Controller of Examinations, CSE, JNTUH-UCEJ, Hyderabad

JNTUH Nominee



Assistant Professor of CSE Osmania University, Hyd

Subject Experts from outside JNTUH


Dr.K Adi Narayana Reddy

Assoc Prof. of DS and AI , ICFAI, Foundations of Higher Education

Subject Experts from outside JNTUH


Mr.B. G. Srinivas

Senior Software Manager, ORACLE, Hyderabad

Expert on Trending Technology


Mr. Durga Naveen Kandregula

Founder & CEO, Coign Consultants Pvt Ltd.

Industry/ Corporate Sector Representative


Ms. Nallabelli Bhavani

Software Engineer , ZenQ


Internal BOS Members:


Name of the Faculty




Dr.V.Maheswar Reddy

Assoc. Professor

Member Secretary


Mrs. K.Swetha Sailaja

Asst. Professor

Internal Member



Asst. Professor

Internal Member


Mr. Shashank Tiwari

Asst. Professor

Internal Member


Mrs.P.Kamakshi Thai

Asst. Professor

Internal Member


Ms. B.Sreelatha

Asst. Professor

Internal Member



Asst. Professor

Internal Member

Industrial Visit to ISRO
(3rd January 2025)

An industrial visit is an educational tour organized by institutions to provide students with practical exposure to real-world working environments. These visits allow students to observe and understand the functioning of industries, organizations, or research centers, enabling them to relate their theoretical knowledge to practical applications. Following are the few points that student explore from industrial visit

(12th December 2024)

The "Byte Brew" tech fest offers a variety of events, centered around technical skill, creativity, and teamwork. The flagship event, Escape Room, invites participants into two thrilling scenarios: Prison Break, where teams must outsmart guards and solve complex puzzles to escape a high-security prison, and Mystery Room, where players solve riddles and clues to unlock the room within 20 minutes. This event has three rounds—elimination, debugging, and problem-solving—emphasizing logic and quick thinking. More events include Fastest Finger First, a high-speed quiz on topics like C, SQL, and Java; ACE Got Talent, a talent showcase for dancing, singing, and stand-up comedy; Tech Treasure Hunt, a search for items across campus with a cyber-themed twist; and Digital Poster Making, where participants design posters using AI tools. The fest encourages competition, creativity, and collaboration, offering cash prizes for winners and creating a vibrant tech-focused experience.

The event was a tremendous success, offering everyone the opportunity to explore their technical skills and showcase their talents. Participants enjoyed unique and exciting experiences, highlighted by the jungle-themed and prison-themed escape rooms, which were a big hit. The treasure hunt added an extra layer of intensity and adventure, leaving everyone thrilled and engaged. It was an unforgettable day filled with learning, creativity, and camaraderie


Annual Day 2k24
(29th June 2024)

The annual day celebration at ACE Engineering college on 29th June 2024 was a resounding success, packed with a range of exciting activities, including lively stalls, performances, and prestigious award ceremonies. The day showcased the talents and achievements of our students and served as a wonderful opportunity for the college community to come together in celebration.

(21st Oct 2024)

IDEATHON is an event “where curiosity meets creativity, innovation begins”. Participants work in teams to identify opportunities and come up with a solution to the problem statement with in the time-bound. The result of IDEATHON could be a road map, an action plan.

Fresher’s Party 2024
(03rd Oct 2024)

The Freshers’ Party for the I B.Tech batch, with a special spotlight on trending branches such as Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CSE-AIML), was a phenomenal success! This event was thoughtfully organized to provide a warm and vibrant welcome to the new students, while giving them an exciting glimpse into the dynamic and innovative world of CSE-AIML.

The evening was packed with entertainment, excitement, and a sense of community. One of the key highlights was the diverse range of performances, starting with stunning cultural displays that showcased the rich traditions of dance and music. The Western dance performances brought high energy to the stage, followed by unique and captivating acts like beatboxing and incredible instrumental performances, adding a modern twist to the celebration.

More than just a night of fun, the party offered students the opportunity to bond with their peers, make new friends, and gain a deeper understanding of their chosen field. The event also subtly highlighted the importance of CSE-AIML in shaping the future, emphasizing the amazing opportunities that lie ahead in this rapidly evolving tech landscape. It was an unforgettable evening, setting the tone for an exciting academic journey ahead!

Pre-Event Communication
Prior to the Fresher’s Day event, a series of pre-event communications were carried out to inform and engage incoming I B.Tech and II B.Tech students about the event details, its purpose and others. This communication was conducted through various channels, including:

  • Whatsapp : Event announcements were posted on the college’s official whatsapp accounts to reach a wider audience and generate interest.
  • Banner Release: The banner release for the I B.Tech Freshers’ Party, was a significant moment that set the tone for the upcoming celebration. The banner, which beautifully captured the essence of both the academic and cultural spirit of the event, was unveiled in the presence of excited students and faculty members.It highlighted the enthusiasm and anticipation surrounding the event.
  • Embarking on Registration at Ramaiah Auditorium:  Your Gateway to the journey The voyage towards our much-anticipated Orientation Day event, spotlighting the dynamic realm of Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CSE-AIML), has commenced its registration process at the esteemed Ramaiah Auditorium. This pivotal step signifies the gateway to an event brimming with insights, connections, and growth opportunities. As you step into the auditorium, you’re not just registering – you’re ushering in a journey of exploration, learning, and innovation. Your participation encapsulates the spirit of embracing the future. Welcome to this transformative experience.
  • Curtain Raiser by Dr. Kavitha Soopari, HOD – CSE(AIML): Paving the Path Forward In a captivating and insightful “Curtain Raiser” address, Dr.Kavitha Soppari (HOD – CSM ) eloquently illuminated the path forward for the upcoming Orientation Day event. With profound clarity, she highlighted the event’s significance in the context of the evolving landscape of Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CSE-AIML)
  • Enthusiastic Pursuers of Knowledge: Seniors and Juniors The Freshers’ Party witnessed a vibrant gathering of students, all buzzing with excitement and ready to embark on their new academic journey. Filled with energy and dreams for the future, the students came together, eager to embrace the opportunities ahead. The atmosphere was electric, as the crowd exuded a palpable sense of enthusiasm and curiosity, with everyone looking forward to the endless possibilities their future holds.
    The evening was not just a celebration but also a reflection of the collective ambition shared by all those present. With eyes set on exploring the world of Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CSE-AIML), the students embodied a spirit of innovation and curiosity. The party became a platform to foster new friendships, shared dreams, and the anticipation of the bright pathways CSE-AIML offers. The event set the stage for an exciting and inspiring academic journey ahead!
  • Dance Performances: Classical Dance Performance Junior Student: A Spiritual Commencement
    The elegance of the Freshers’ Party was elevated by a mesmerizing classical dance performance by junior student. Their graceful movements, deeply rooted in tradition, created a spiritual atmosphere that left the audience captivated. The dance, with its intricate expressions and rhythmic flow, served as a beautiful commencement to the evening, infusing the event with a sense of reverence and cultural pride. In a captivating display of talent and unity, senior students took the stage with a series of stunning dance performances that left both the newly joined students and their parents enthralled. The vibrant choreography, ranging from classical to contemporary styles, showcased the diverse talents and artistic spirit within our academic community. As the seniors sought to forge connections and foster a sense of belonging among the attendees.
  • Song Performances: In a captivating display of talent and unity, senior students took the stage with a series of soulful song performances that left both the newly joined students and their parents spellbound. The performances, spanning a range of genres from classical to contemporary, beautifully showcased the diverse musical talents within our academic community. Each rendition was not just an impressive display of vocal skill, but a heartfelt gesture of welcome, as the seniors aimed to create connections and foster a sense of belonging among the attendees.
  • Other Kind of Performances:
    • Beatboxing
    • Playing Instrument (Piano)
    • Mr and Ms Freshers
    • Gifts Distribution for Faculty

TechTrove 2K24
(6th May 2024)


A 2 – Day Workshop On
User Interface & User Experience (UI/UX)
(4th and 5th December 2023)


Orientation Program 2023
(19th August 2023)

The Orientation Day for the I B.Tech batch with a focus on trending branches, specifically Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CSE-AIML), was organized to provide incoming students with a comprehensive understanding of the program, its significance in the modern world, and the potential career opportunities it offers. The event aimed to introduce students to the field of CSE-AIML, outline the curriculum, and highlight the resources available to them throughout their academic journey.

(7th & 14th June 2023)

Students from the department of AIML had the opportunity to visit the ‘National Remote Sensing Centre’ in Jeedimetla, Hyderabad on 7th & 14th June 2023. The center is an outreach facility to provide training for professionals, professors and students for general awareness in space research. Students were given the chance to attend a lecture from one of the facility members, courtesy of the facility. Topics like the different launch vehicles since the beginning of ISRO, manufacturing process of the different stages of Rockets and Satellite vehicles, Satellite Communications and Remote Sensing and its various applications were discussed. The speaker interacted with the students and gave insights on how students pursuing Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can further become a significant contributor in the field of space technology and research. Students were also briefed on previous and future ISRO space missions like the Chadrayaan-3. The group was provided time to examine some exhibits of model rockets, satellites, launch vehicles, and poster maps. A demonstration of live data analysis from the NSRC at Shadnagar was shown as an example of how remote sensing works. In conclusion, this was an informative and insightful visit, making people aware of opportunities beyond the curriculum.

Data Visualization workshop
(8th-10th June 2023)

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning organized A 3-Day workshop on ‘Data Visualization Techniques using Tableau’ from 8th-10th June 2023. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Sandeep, a Tableau certified trainer. Approximately 100 students attended the program. Students were introduced to the basics of Tableau, the different ways of visualizing and analyzing the data using various graphs, graphs and other features of the software. The workshop was structured around interactive sessions, hands-on experiences, and live implementation of everything taught by the mentor. The experience of this session was an excellent learning opportunity overall. This is a thoughtful initiative undertaken by the head of the department, Dr.G.Sreenivasulu


The Inauguration of the ‘McArti’ Technical Club’ was held on Saturday, 24th June 2023, at Ramaiah Auditorium. The event began with a keynote speech by the Director, Mr. B.L. Raju. The inauguration’s tone was set by his inspiring words, which emphasize the significance of Artificial and Natural Intelligence in our lives. It was followed by the lighting of a ceremony lamp by all the faculties and dignitaries present at the event.

Dr. G. Sreenivasulu, the department head, introduced to the room the names and Heads and Members of the club. As part of the inauguration program, a detailed overview of the McArti Technical club was presented by The President, Lakshmi Priya and the Vice president Sai Rajeshwar of the club to showcase the club’s vision and mission and the benefits of taking part in its various activities. The Director of Technologies Mr. Younus Shareef and the Director of Placements Prof. T Srinivasa Rao attended the event to express their support for the club. They reached out to the crowd and shared valuable perspectives with the students.

P. Shravya Reddy presented on “Fundamental Principles of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”, followed by S. Satya Kanth presenting on “Full Stack Web Development”.


President– Ms.Laxmi Priya 3rd year
Vice President– Rajeshwar 2nd year
Treasurer-Bharath-2nd year
Secretary-HarshaVardhan-2nd year
Executive Members:

  1. Karthik-3rd year
  2. Sravya-3rd year
  3. Satyakanth- 2nd year
  4. Karthik-2nd Year

Faculty Co-ordinator

Satya Sudha, Assistant Professor,

Club Advisory Members:

Dr.G. Sreenivasulu,                                          Dr.P.Srilatha                                          Mrs.P.Rajeshwari
Head, Associate Professor                           Associate Professor                               Associate Professor

List of Paper Publications

SI. No.

Name of the faculty

Title of Publication

Journal Name


Dr. Soppari Kavitha

A Survey on Colorectal Cancer

Parishodh Journal, Volume XIII, Issue III, March/2024, ISSN NO:2347-6648


Dr. Maheshwar Reddy V

A survey on audio analysis: Text characterization and summarization

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1596–1601, March 2024, eISSN: 2581-9615 || CODEN (USA): WJARAI || Impact Factor: 7.8 || ISSN Approved Journal


Dr. Soppari Kavitha

A survey on brain MRI segmentation

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1702–1710, March 2024, eISSN: 2581-9615 || CODEN (USA): WJARAI || Impact Factor: 7.8 || ISSN Approved Journal
Article DOI:


Mr. R.Rajesh

A Survey on Remote Sensing Image Super Resolution

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 446-453 ISSN: 2395-5252


Mr.K Kishan

A Survey on Lung Cancer Detection Using Ensemble
Neural Networks

International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Volume 13-Issue 04, 22 - 26, 2024, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560


Mr.Md.Abdul Kalam

A Survey on Crop Yield and Value Estimation

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 486-490 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603486490 |Impact Factor value 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified


Mrs. P. Kamakshi Thai

A survey on deepfake detection through deep learning

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 2214–2217
Article DOI:


Mr.Shashank Tiwari

A Survey on Interviewing and Proctoring

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 552-559 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603552559 |Impact Factor value 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008


Mrs. P. Kamakshi Thai

The detailed investigation paper on network invasion awareness

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 2214–2217
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr


Mrs.B Sreelatha

A Survey on Telugu Accent Classification
and Conversion

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 624-629 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603624629


Mr. K Shiva Kumar

Tracking Availability of Parking Space
Using Iot

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 637-641 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603637641


Mrs. Swetha Sailaja

A Survey on Ai Based Workout Tracking

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 578-586 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603578586


Mr.R Rajesh

A Survey on Medibot – Your Personalized
Ai Health Companion

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 616-623 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603616623


Mr. Rishabh Bafna

Medical Record Maintenance Application
Using Blockchain

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 630-636 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603630636


Mr.K. Kishan

A Survey on Cervical Spine Fracture
Detection Using Yolo

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 571-577 ISSN: 2395-5252
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603571577


Mrs Vanitha


International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, DOI :


Mrs G Mounika

A Survey on Envisioning the Unseen

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 6, Issue 03 Mar. 2024, pp: 475-485,DOI: 10.35629/5252-0603475485


Mrs Satya Sudha


International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science,
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024, DOI :, e-ISSN: 2582-5208


Mr.C V Ajay Kumar

A survey on automated student evaluation and analysis using machine learning

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(02), 2547–2554,
eISSN: 2581-9615 || CODEN (USA): WJARAI, Article DOI:


Mr K Shiva Kumar

A survey on drowsiness detection system with advanced face tracking

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1748–1753,
Article DOI:


Md.Abdul Kalam


International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ,DOI :

Research Publications :

  1. Mr. Banothu Mohan , Dr. Kavitha Soppari, “Enhancing ECG-Based Biometric Authentication using High-Quality Training Data and Novel Measurement Metrics for Improved Accuracy” International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT) Volume 3, Issue 1, July 2023, DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-12065
  2. Kavitha Soppari , K. Chinmayi, G. Srikanth, K. Bhavani Reddy and CH Ramanavasu, “ Prediction of COVID-19 based on machine learning using cartographic variables” , International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 09(02), 163–170 DOI:
  3. Mrs. Soppari Kavitha1, B. Bindu Latha, K.L. Bhavya, M.Prashanth, N.Sainath, “Exploring The Contents Of Old Newspapers Using An Augmented Reality Application” International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences Issue: 3 Volume No.7 May – June – 2023 DOI:10.46647/ijetms.2023.v07i03.123 ISSN: 2581-4621
  4. Mrs. Soppari. Kavitha, T Sri Vinay , G Sai Teja , P H Rohith, “Dynamically selected watermark insertion using machine learning” World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(03), 577–584. DOI:
  5. Mrs. Soppari Kavitha , sugala stuthi , Yalamandala jahnavi , “Survey on Brain Tumor classification and Detection using MRI scan Images” IJIEMR Vol12 Issue 01, Jan 2023. DOI: 10.48047/IJIEMR/V12/ISSUE 01/80

Patents :

  1. Dr.G.Sreenivasulu et., filed a patent on “Design and Development of fault diagnosis by using Fuzzy neural networks for Hydroponic systems”. Application no: 201941048257 at Controller general of patents , Designs and Trademarks , Govt. of India.
  2. Dr.G.Sreenivasulu proposing a patent on ”Malaria Detection using Convolution Neural Networks” at Controller general of patents , Designs and Trademarks , Govt. of India. (Application number awaited)
  3. Dr.G.Sreenivasulu proposing a patent on ”An Efficient approach for clustering categorical data ” at Controller general of patents , Designs and Trademarks , Govt. of India. (Application number awaited)
  4. Dr.G.Sreenivasulu proposing a patent on ”Text summarization using Deep learning techniques ” at Controller general of patents , Designs and Trademarks , Govt. of India. (Drafting completed and about to file).


  1. Dr. Kavitha Soppari received NPTEL DISCIPLINE STAR April 2023.
  2. Dr. Kavitha Soppari received an Elite certification in “Cloud Computing” from NPTEL in April 2023..
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