• The Department of Humanities and Basic Science is the foundation of all engineering streams.  It is a bridge that connects Pure Sciences with Engineering world.  The department is involved in teaching subjects of Applied Sciences and Humanities at undergraduate level.
  • The Department is involved in teaching the following subjects:


    1.  Linear Algebra & Calculus
    2.  Advanced Calculus & Elementary Combinatorics
    3.  Engineering Physics
    4.  Applied Physics
    5. Engineering Chemistry
    6. English
    7. Business English

    1. Probability & Statistics
    2. Laplace Transform Numerical Methods & Complex Variables
    3. Probability Statistics & Complex Variables
    4. Numerical Methods Complex Variables & Statistical Inference
    5. Complex Oriented Statistical Methods
    6. Business Economics & Financial Analysis
    7. Constitution of India
    8. Environmental Science

    1. Fundamentals of Management for Engineers
    2. Professional Ethics
    3. Industrial Safety Health and Environmental Engineering (Elective)
    4. Entrepreneurial Essentials
  • The Department has 3 well equipped laboratories namely Physics, Chemistry and ELCS labs.
  • The Physics and Chemistry labs provide scientific practical knowledge about the related subjects and ELCS lab contributes towards the enhancement of Communication and Soft skills.
  • The Department has dedicated and experienced faculty which consists of about  4-Professors, 11-Associate Professors and 22-Assistant Professors who posses Ph.D. M.Phil, and Masters Degrees.
  • The Contribution of this Department is enormous for the budding engineers.


Engineering Chemistry lab for 1st year B. Tech students consists of volumetric lab and Instrumentation lab For CSE, IT and EE
Branches in 1st semester and for ECE CE and ME Branches in the 2nd semester. Volumetric lab is equipped with good number of 12-holed water baths, Water distillation unit, magnetic stirrer, digital and analytical balances, pipettes, burettes, conical flasks, beakers, standard flasks, measuring cylinders, reagent bottles, wash bottles and required chemicals. Instrumentation lab is equipped with good number of conductometers, potentiometers, pH meters, colorimeters, UV chambers, TLC chambers, TLC slides, beakers, pipettes and burettes. The lab helps the student to gain the knowledge in the field of applications Eg: preparation of drugs like Asprin,  Paracetamol , rubber materials like Thiokol rubber, working of batteries, in testing surface tension of liquids also gets knowledge of  range hardness of water to be used etc. 



Lab Description

The Subject of Physics of H&S department consists of two labs, namely Engineering Physics Lab and Applied Physics lab for non-circuit (CE&ME) and circuit branches (EEE, ECE, CSE&IT) respectively in a semester in I year of B. Tech. The Physics lab helps the student to gain practical knowledge, to develop scientific temper, to develop intellectual communication skills and to discuss the basic principles of scientific concepts in a group having hands on experience with the apparatus. The course evaluation is done through both internal and external examinations.

S. No Name of the Lab Area (m2) No. of Experiments Student Faculty ratio in a Lab Session Related Topics Outcomes
1 Engineering Physics Lab 127.8 8 20:1 (For CE & ME Students) Optics Mechanical and Electrical Oscillations, Fiber Optics Having gone through the course the student would be able to interpret correlate experimental understanding of various concepts related to theory
2 Applied Physics Lab 96.8 8 20:1 (for EEE, ECE, CSE and IT Students) Semiconductor Physics, Fiber optics, Optoelectronics & Electromagnetism


English Communication Skills Lab

ELCS (English Language Communication Skills, B.Tech I Year) & AECS (Advanced English Communication Skills, B.Tech III Year) English enhances the employability of students. It enriches a high-degree of proficiency in English Language. It is the language of opportunities. It enables the students to expedite the process of improving learning skills, with more emphasis on LSRW (Learning, Speaking, Reading & Writing). These labs train the students in Language Skills, Soft Skills, Inter Personal Skills, Decision Making, Business Communication, Pre-Placement Training, Corporate Readiness, GRE etc. The main aim of ELCS / AECS labs is to improve Communication Skills in formal and informal situations. It is also to impart training to students through the syllabus in its theoretical aspects and practical components. In lab we have Advanced Remote Monitoring facility, which enables the teacher to moniter all the students through a master console. The lab is equipped with 34 Advanced Pentium Systems which also has high quality audio & video capabilities.

Software Packages Available:

  1. Globarena
  2. K-Van Solutions




List of Research Papers published in various Journals




Name of the Faculty

Title of the Paper

Journal Name

ISSN Number /

DOI Number




1. Dr. M.Kondala Rao 1. A Comparative Study on Impact of Covid19 in Consumer Behavior towards Online Shopping. Journal of Propulsion Technology ISSN: 1001-4055.

Vol. 44 No. 3

Scopus Indexed



2. Effect of Cost Determinants on Profitability-A Case Study. Journal of Informatics Education and Research ISSN: 1526-4726 (E).

Vol. 3 Issue 2

Scopus Indexed

December 2023

3. Effect of Cost Determinants on Profitability-A Case Study Journal of Informatics Education and Research 1526-4726 (E) Scopus_Q2 December 2023



Sl. No.

Name of the Faculty


Title of Book




1. Dr.K.Srilatha Energy Harvesting and Storage Devices: Sustainable Materials and Methods

Chapter 2: An Overview of Fuel Cells and Supercapacitors

ISBN 9781032375083 CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group 2024
2. Dr. M. Kondala Rao Financial Management-An Overview ISBN 978-938888888-8 Walnut Publication 2021



Sl. No.

Name of the Faculty

Title of the Research Paper

Journal/Conference Name & Details


Month & Year

1.         Dr. M.Kondala Rao 1.Challenges and Opportunities in Indian Education: A rural Perspective ICSSR Sponsored Two Day National Seminar on Social Sciences towards Sustainable Development Goals (TESSTSDG), organized by G.T.N Arts College, Dindigul, Tamilnadu.

23-24 January, 2024

2. A Recap of the Impact of Inflation and GDP on the Indian Stock market. 16th International conference on business and finance-2024, organized by IBS Hyderabad.

Feb 29- March 1, 2024


Participation in Conference, Workshops, Symposia and Seminars

Conference/Workshop/Seminars/Webinar Conducted by Participation/ Presented Duration
Online Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Patent Design Filing BVRIT Hyderabad, College of Engineering for Women & NIPAM Dr.K. Srilatha


18th March 2024
Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Mahatma Gandhi National Council for Rural Education in association with Malla Reddy Engineering College Dr.K.Srilatha


21st September 2023
National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission Intellectual Property Office, India Dr.K.Srilatha


16th December 2022
A Recap of the Impact of Inflation and GDP on the Indian Stock Market ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad Dr. M. Kondala Rao –
Participation and Presented
February 29th to March 1st, 2024
Challenges and Opportunities in Indian Education: A Rural Perspective GTN Arts College (Autonomous), Dindigul, Tamilnadu 23rd–24th January, 2024
A study on Women Empowerment Programs-An analysis in Telangana State ICBM-School of Business Excellence, Hyderabad 9th & 10th May 2022
Risk & Return Analysis of Selected Banks Stocks in India- A comparative study SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Tamilnadu 24th March 2021


Faculty Development Program

Academic year

Course name

No. of students/ Staff members


Industry 4.0 Applications in Civil Engineering (I4ACE-24) [FDP]



National Level Faculty Development Programme on RESEARCH FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES, organized by Research and Development Cell, ACE Engineering College, Hyderabad



National Initiative of Technical Teachers Training on Module 1: Orientation towards Technical Education and Curriculum Aspects by AICTE



The Joy of Computing Using Python NPTEL Certification Course [FDP]



National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission organized by Govt.  of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry Organized by Intellectual Property  office  India


HBS Labs

Name of the Programme


Approved Intake (2024) 1140 (As approved by The Government of Telangana)
No. of Faculty Members 42



Professor 10
Assoc. Professor 05
Asst. Professor 27
Librarian 01
Physical Director 01
Faculty Profile


No. of Faculty

Ph.D 07
Ph.D(Pursuing) 15
Post Graduate 17
Technical Staff Lab Assistant 03
Asst.Physical Director 01


Name   Dr. S. Suresh
Designation Professor
Qualification B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Professional Exp. 18 Years
Research Interests Physical Chemistry (Adsorption Studies)
Registration Number 7015-220310-102940
Name   Dr. M. S. Sureshkumar
Designation Professor
Qualification M.Sc., PGDPPT., M.Phil., Ph.D., (Italy)
Professional Exp. Industry: 1 Year  |  R&D: 9 Years  |  Academic:  17 Years
Research Interests Polymer Science & Technology,  Plastic Recycling & Sustainability, Product Development, Language & Linguistics
Registration Number 7889-220818-155516
Name   Dr. K Srilatha
Designation Professor
Qualification B.Sc(M.C.IC),M.Sc(Industrial Chemistry),Ph.D
Professional Exp. Research: 9 Years | Academic: 6 Years
Research Interests Energy& Environment, Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Registration Number 5221-190212-125443
Name   Mrs. C. Shobha Reddy
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification B.Sc, M.Sc (General Chemistry)
Professional Exp. 28 Years
Research Interests Engineering Chemistry
Registration Number 05150406-113011
Name   Mrs. K. Swarnalatha
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification B.Sc(MPC), M.Sc(Physical Chemistry)
Professional Exp. 30 Years
Research Interests Polymers
Registration Number 81150406-145032
Name   Mr. M. B. Mallesham
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc(MPC), M.Sc(Chemistry), (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 16 Years
Research Interests Chemistry & Service
Registration Number 80150406-130911
Name   Mrs. M.Sunitha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc(MCIC),M.Sc(Organic Chemistry),B.Ed
Professional Exp. 12 Years
Research Interests Drug synthesis
Registration Number 3585-160222-140809
Name   Mrs. E. Latha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc, M. Sc.
Professional Exp. 9 Years
Research Interests Inorganic
Registration Number 8873-161228-132536
Name   Mr. Ramaraju Korivi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Sc., TS-SET, (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. Teaching 10 Year 4 Months  |  Research 5 Years
Research Interests Organic synthesis(Methodology), Organocatalysis, Metal-Catalysis,  Photocatalysis, Electrochemical Catalysis, C-H Activation.
Registration Number 8925-150409-202542


Name   Dr. J. J. B. Vijay Vardhan
Designation Professor
M.A.(English), M.Phil, PGDTE., PGDMR., M. Phil.. Ph.D
Professional Exp. 23 Years
Research Interests ELT & Verbal Training
Registration Number 5076-190218-161729
Name   Ms. T.Rupali Mohan
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.A(English),M.A(English),M.A(Tourism Management
Professional Exp. 24 years
Research Interests ELT and Languages
Registration Number 35150406-145724
Name   Mr.K. Raja Prasad
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc, M.A.(PPM), M.A.(Eng), B.Ed, SET
Professional Exp. 19 Years
Research Interests ELT& Literature
Registration Number 16150407-111247
Name   Mr. N. Praveen Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification BA( EPP), MA ( English),PGDTE ( EFLU), SET
Professional Exp. 15 Years
Research Interests Soft skills,ELT
Registration Number 1568-161223-143008
Name   Mrs. M. Indrani
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc.,M.Sc (Microbiology “Gold Medalist “).,M.A (English).,M.A (Sociology).,M.Phil., (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 23 Years
Research Interests ELT and Literature
Registration Number 87150404-132611
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc(BZC),M.A.English, NET,SET& (B.Ed)
Professional Exp. 3 Years
Research Interests ELT& Literature
Registration Number 77150404-174604
Name   Mr. Srinivas Medathi
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification B.Com.,MA(English).,PGDJ
Professional Exp. 27 years
Research Interests ELT& Literature
Registration Number 6727-150415-103833
Name   Mr. Raveendranath.M
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Ed, M.A(Eng), B.A(Psy), M.Ed, LLB, MBA (HR)
Professional Exp. 10 years
Research Interests ELT
Registration Number 6018-180417-172752
Name   Mr. D. Srinivas
Designation Asistant Professor
Qualification BA,MA(English),MA(Philosophy),SET,(Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 10 years
Research Interests Soft Skills & ELT
Registration Number 9873-160120-120148
Name   Mr. Sashankar Dasari
Designation Assistant Professor
Professional Exp. 3 Years
Research Interests World Literature
Registration Number 7519-220715-33536
Name   Mrs. Soumya Goda
Designation Assistant Professor
M.A(English literature)
Professional Exp. Industry: 13 Years
Research Interests World Literature
Registration Number 5119-241114-133543
Name   Ms.  P. Vagdevi
Designation Assistant Professor
M.A(English literature)
Professional Exp. 5 Years
Research Interests Renaissance period
Registration Number 0494-241202-132410


Name   Dr. P Prashanth Kumar
Designation Professor
Qualification M.Sc, Ph.D
Professional Exp. 23 Years
Research Interests Operations Research
Registration Number 1354-150417-115731
Name   Dr. R.Vivekananda
Designation Professor
Qualification B.Sc.(MPS), M.Sc. (Mathematics), B.Ed., Ph.D
Professional Exp. 20 Years
Research Interests Advanced Optimization techniques in O.R
Registration Number 04150406-133535
Name   Dr. JSVN Mani Kumar
Designation Professor
Qualification B.Sc,M.Sc(Mathematics),Ph.D
Professional Exp. 24 years
Research Interests Operation Research
Registration Number 83150407-134341
Name   Mr.J.BalaSekhar
Designation HoD & Associate Professor
Qualification B.Sc.,M.Sc.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 29 Years
Research Interests Number Theory – Mathematics 
Registration Number 6379-150418-001612
Name   Mr. P. Nagaraju
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification M.Sc 
Professional Exp. 38 years of teaching
Research Interests Differential Equations
Registration Number 97150406-140943
Name   Mrs. Aruna
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc., M.Sc., SET (Mathematical Sciences)., (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 17 years
Research Interests linear algebra
Registration Number 26150406-211851
Name   Mrs. R. Vijayasree
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc,M.Sc,M.Tech. (CSE).,MCA,(Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 16 years
Research Interests Fluid Dynamics
Registration Number 8023-150414-160255
Name   Mrs. P. Swapna
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc(M.E.Cs).,M.Sc(Pure Mathematics).,(Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 15 Years
Research Interests Machine learning with mathematics
Registration Number 53150407-190938
Name   Mrs. Pavani Janapaty
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Sc.,(Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 13 Years
Research Interests  Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Registration Number 9096-230206-101117
Name   Mr. Mohd Asim
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc.(Maths), (PhD)
Professional Exp. Teaching: 1 Year | Research Exp.: 6 Years
Research Interests Algebraic Coding Theory, Graph Theory
Registration Number 9701-241114-123833
Name   Mr. Sunny Verma
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc, M.Sc (Mathematics), NET-JRF, Ph.D(Pursuing)
Professional Exp. Research Exp.: 5 Years
Research Interests Fuzzy Automata Theory, Rough Set Theory, Decision-Making
Registration Number 2941-241202-140323


Name   Dr. C.V.R. Krishna Mohan
Designation Professor
Qualification B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D, SET
Professional Exp. 26 Years
Research Interests Environmental Physics, Nanotechnology
Registration Number 00150407-103827
Designation Professor
Qualification MSc.,M.Tech.,B.Ed.,Ph.D
Professional Exp. 18 Years
Research Interests Fuel cells,Nano materials,Renewable energy sources
Registration Number 3389-15049-110101
Name   Mr. Mohd. Hafeezuddin
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc(MPC), M.Sc, M.Ed
Professional Exp. 28 Years
Research Interests Glass materials
Registration Number 30150406-154040
Name   Mr. V. Venkatesh
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc(MPC).,M.Sc (Physics).,SET.,(Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 12 Years
Research Interests Glass Ceramics
Registration Number 7689-150408-102340
Name   Mr. B. Narendar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc.(MPC).,M.Sc(Physics).,B.Ed
Professional Exp. 12 Years
Research Interests Glass materials
Registration Number 2890-161228-123539
Name   Mr. Mohd Sujath Ali Khan
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc,B.Ed,M.Sc.,SET
Professional Exp. 18 years
Research Interests Thin films
Registration Number 9915-150420-124131
Name   Mrs.Rajai Rai
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Sc (Physics),( Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 17 Years
Research Interests Nano Composites
Registration Number 5016-150411- 152458
Name   Mrs. K. Priyanka
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc(MPCs).,M.Sc(Physics).,SET.,B.Ed
Professional Exp. 5 Years
Research Interests Semiconductors
Registration Number 7111-221115-133732

Management Sciences

Name   Dr. T. Ganesh Chakravarthy        
Designation Professor
Qualification M.A(Eco), MBA(Fin), Ph D.
Professional Exp. 27 Years
Research Interests Public Finance, SHG
Registration Number 64150407-124342
Name   Dr. M.Kondala Rao
Designation Professor
Qualification B.Com, MBA, M.Com, PGDBM, M.Phil, Ph.D
Professional Exp. 16 Years
Research Interests Management
Registration Number 77150404-174604
Name   Mrs. P. Sreelatha
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Com., MBA.,M.Phil.,(Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 28 Years
Research Interests Management
Registration Number 7870-150502-154936
Name   Mrs. D. Lakshmi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification BTech(Chemical) MBA (HR) (Ph.D)
Professional Exp. 18 Years
Research Interests Human resource
Registration Number 66150401-151754
Name   Mr. K. Devendar
Designation Librarian
Qualification M.A, MLISc
Professional Exp.  15 Years
Research Interests
Registration Number 77150407-144017
Name   Mr. B.RajaSekhara Reddy
Designation Physical Director
Qualification MA, M.PED,M.Phil
Professional Exp. 17 Years
Research Interests Physical Education
Registration Number 7333-150409-105035

Association where the students will participate in seminars, paper presentations, Technical competitions and invite Eminent speakers related to their specialization.

CEED – Centre for Engineer cum Entrepreneur Development

First Semester

DEC 2019 (R18)

MAY 2018

DEC 2017

MAY 2017

DEC 2016